Who We Are?

Our Mission

The goal of the Association for Social Economy and Lifelong Learning (A.S.E.L. RO) is to advance the members’ collective social interests in the field of public service. A.S.E.L. RO has defined a comprehensive set of objectives to direct its activities, with a primary focus on promoting Social Economy and fostering innovative lifelong learning initiatives. Promoting innovation and advancing education at all levels is at the center of its mission. Within its sphere of influence, A.S.E.L. RO seeks to conduct research, cultivate expertise, and spur innovation in addition to identifying and promoting best practices. In order to ensure that members’ opinions are heard during decision-making processes, A.S.E.L. RO works to effectively represent its members in both public and private bodies. The association actively supports its members’ modernization and development by putting public works projects into action and encouraging enterprise innovation.

The growth of business networks and knowledge-sharing programs is given top priority in order to improve the members’ combined capability. To further enhance its influence on social and economic development, A.S.E.L. RO also prepares and manages proposals for EU programs as well as ministries in Romania. In order to promote cooperative projects aimed at fostering the social economy and spread best practices, cooperation and synergies with other organizations in the social economy sector are sought after. In addition, the association is dedicated to organizing and carrying out community service initiatives in coordination with local government agencies and other relevant parties.

Apart from its primary emphasis on lifelong learning and social economy, A.S.E.L. RO also actively advocates for the preservation of cultural heritage, environmental conservation, and tourism growth. It is also essential in the fight against social exclusion and unemployment, and it promotes the development of renewable energy resources in Romania and throughout Europe. By taking a multifaceted approach, A.S.E.L. RO hopes to support the sustainable development and general well-being of Romania and Europe, promoting a society that is more inventive, inclusive, and environmentally conscious.

The aim of the Association for Social Economy and Lifelong Learning (A.S.E.L. RO) is to preserve, study and promote the common social interests of its members, in the context of public service. Our General Goal is to develop Social Economy and implement innovative lifelong learning activities.

More specifically, the specific objectives of the Association for Social Economy and Lifelong Learning are the following:

  • 1. The promotion of innovation,
  • 2. The promotion of education at all levels,
  • 3. The identification and promotion of best practices,
  • 4. The development of research, expertise, and innovation,
  • 5. The representation of its members in all Public and Private Bodies,
  • 6. The implementation of public works,
  • 7. The promotion of actions to support innovation in enterprises for their modernization and development,
  • 8. The expansion of their business networking and knowledge base,
  • 9. The preparation of proposals and management of EU programs, as well as those of Romanian Ministries,
  • 10. To participate in research projects,
  • 11. To update and inform members on developments in National, European and international level,
  • 12. The cooperation and synergies with bodies of social economy for the dissemination of good practices and promotion of joint projects with Municipalities, Public and social bodies with final object to develop the social economy, 13. Planning and implementing community service projects with collaborating bodies and Regional Authorities,
  • 14. The promotion of Social Economy 15. The implementation of environmental protection and environmental awareness actions and information,
  • 16. The implementation of actions for the protection of cultural heritage,
  • 17. The promotion of actions for development of tourism and tourism promotion,
  • 18. The combat against unemployment and social exclusion,
  • 19. The enhancement of the value of environmental protection and renewable energy resources in Romania and Europe,
  • 20. The diffusion of innovation in the European area